Those being treated for mental health conditions have again reported less confidence and trust in hospital staff than individuals being treated for physical health needs.

People with mental health needs also described being shown less respect and dignity and felt less informed about their care.

The 2017 inpatient survey from regulator the Care Quality Commission, published today, involved every NHS acute trust in the country.

It reveals what over 70,000 adults who had stayed in hospital for at least one night during July last year said about the care they received.

Unwelcome trend

The majority of people who stayed as an inpatient in hospital were happy with the care they received.

However those with a mental health condition reported a poorer than average experience across most question areas, repeating a trend found in previous patient surveys.

“This year’s survey results show a continued disparity between the experiences of people with a mental health condition and those without," said Professor Ted Baker, Chief Inspector of Hospitals. 

"This is an area which hospitals must address to ensure that that people with physical and mental health conditions are treated equally in acute settings."

Paul Farmer, Chief Executive of Mind, the mental health charity, said: "It is concerning that people with mental health problems consistently report worse experiences of acute care than those without."

"Those working in and commissioning services need to use these results to look at how care can be improved to address this inequality."