One month to get nominations in for the Positive Practice in Mental Health Awards 2015
Applicants now have one month left to get their nominations in for the 2015 Positive Practice in Mental Health Awards, which celebrate positive practice in the sector.
This year, the number of awards on offer has been extended to 16: 14 team/service awards and 2 individual ones. The new awards are for best use of digital technology/social media in mental health, specialist services and diversity and equality in service delivery. There is also an award in honour of the late Noreen Young for a nurse, an unsung hero, who has had a positive effect on the lives of others.
Other awards include: older people and mental health; innovation in CAMHS; improving care for people experiencing a mental health crisis; art, mental health and wellbeing; patient experience; integrating physical and mental health care; commissioning in mental health; partnership working; innovation in primary care in mental health; mental health and criminal justice and mental wellbeing of staff, as well as our making a difference award for an outstanding individual.
There are more than 100 judges of this year’s awards, including people who use services, carers, chief executives, doctors, managers, nurses, occupational therapists, students and Members of Parliament. The judges cross the health, social care, NHS and third sectors.
The awards ceremony this year will take place on the evening of Wednesday, October 14 in Newcastle, and is being partnered in the awards by Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust.
“We are delighted that yet again the Positive Practice in Mental Health Awards has expanded to include even more positive practice,” said Angie Russell, project manager for the Positive Practice in Mental Health Awards. “Please don’t miss out on your opportunity to celebrate all that is positive in mental health.”
You can access the nomination links directly from
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