Many people live well with bipolar disorder and manage the symptoms of the illness with great success.

Bipolar as an illness doesn’t define who you are and on your good days there’s no better person to be around. It’s important to have hope and believe in recovery to achieve the lifestyle you desire.
Recovery is a complex term in the world of mental health and doesn’t necessarily mean that a disorder has been entirely cured and never needs to be thought of again.
"But it is important to remember that a diagnosis of bipolar disorder does not mean that someone will be unwell for the rest of their life and when treated in a way that suits the individual, periods of wellness can last for longer and longer periods of time."

Recovery to me is a period of stability, you have to learn how to manage it, with good coping skills and medication to get back on an even ground.
If someone breaks their leg, it may heal extremely well, but perhaps that person will need to use an ankle support for sports, they may be more prone to pain in the leg which they manage with pain killers, or they may need to do physio exercises on an ongoing basis to keep the leg healthy.

Since diagnosis in 2002 when my whole world fell apart, losing my job, my house, a husband who just didn’t understand me, my car and my dog, my life’s savings, to my life now, I am happily remarried to a man who understands me.
Recovery from bipolar disorder can mean that someone is well most or almost all the time, but they may need to have strategies in their daily routine to keep their mind healthy and to prevent episodes of mood disruption from interfering with their life.